Finlay does the double at the 2024 Shenington Super Prix as he claims IAME E Plate

Finlay does the double at the 2024 Shenington Super Prix as he claims IAME E Plate

Finlay Lines conquered the 2024 Shenington Super Prix last weekend, taking victories in both the IAME Waterswift Inter and Rotax Inter classes and adding another plate to his growing collection.

By taking victory in the IAME Waterswift Inter final, Lines has secured a place in the 2024 IAME World Finals, which takes place in Spain in November. He has also won the prestigious E Plate, which he can carry in the remaining IAME competitions this year.

Adding to a brilliant weekend for the Synergy Driver, Lines also took a commanding victory in the Rotax Inter class, being the only driver to win two finals across the event.

Having set the fifth quickest time in IAME Qualifying, Lines claimed a fifth-place finish in heat one, before winning heat two.

Starting from third on the grid in the IAME Waterswift Inter final, Lines slipped back to seventh place on the opening lap before asserting himself and setting about working forward.

During what was a frantic eleven-minute plus one-lap encounter, the Maximum Motorsport driver pushed hard as he fought his way back up the order, closing the gap down to the leading pack in the closing stages of the race.

Running third on the final two laps, Lines pulled off a fantastic move at the final corner of the final lap, jumping from third place to first to take the win in emphatic style.

Competing in the Rotax Inter class as well, Lines took a clean sweep of wins in both of the heat races, giving him pole position for the final.

Taking a strong lead in the final, Lines built up a small gap to his rivals. Briefly losing the lead mid-race, only to claim it back again on the same lap, Lines reasserted himself at the front and went on to claim the win, also setting the fastest lap in the process.

Being the only driver to take wins in both classes he contested last weekend, also adds to the accolades that the Staffordshire-based driver has earned.

Lines will be back at the Banbury venue this weekend, where he’ll be racing in the next rounds of the Wera Tools British Karting Championship.

Lines would also like to send his thanks to Shenington Kart Club for putting on a great event last weekend, it takes a lot of time and effort to put these together, thank you to all involved.

Having been nominated as the “Most Promising Cadet” by Shenington Kart Club in 2021, Finlay has certainly stepped up his performances since then, as shown by his successes during last weekend’s event.

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